Friday, September 09, 2005

i xs/ xsomne bveer omn mny keybvoard


Oh mno. I a,c, xsp/ bveer omn mny keybvoard juxst bvefore.l
I thought it wou.ld bve ok bvut it'xs ,comnp/ xstuffed!

mnow i habve to get amnother omne tomnorrow!! hahaha i juxst thought i'd write thixs b.log emntry to remnemnbver the fa,ct that i ,comp/ xstuffed it.



Irradiance said...

Don't worry - once it dries properly it should be fine.

I vomited on my keyboard once. Really stank after a few weeks...

Jacke said...

So, how many beers had you had when this happened..?

Max Breaker said...

I'll have you know jacke that I had had plenty of beers by the time this had happened. So don't go thinking I'm retarded or anything.

Bails said...

Yeah, max saves all his retardedness for the table tennis court...