Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Keitai Denwa!

Went to Akabane and bought a mobile phone today on the AU network - free with a $50 a month plan or something (actually my friend did all the talking for me so she worked out a good deal). These phones can do everything - email, watch tv, play music with headphones, AND you can also use it at the train stations and convenience stores - you put money on it and can just wave it at the turnstiles to catch trains and stuff! Convenient, ne? And i got to pick my own number - well, the final four digits anyway - so you know what I chose?

1 3 3 7 :)



Bails said...

hahaha!! that's classic. didnt get to include the rest? i.e. 0413376636.

Max Breaker said...

Sigh, no. Only got to pick the last 4 digits so my dreams of being the 1337MOFO didn`t quite come true. Oh well, come to think of it, it goes 65651337. 6565 = OLOL. O, LOL, 1337!!!