i forgot to post the previous song as well. This one was sort of accidental, but i like it anyway.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Piano music
A new song - this time a long (5m55s - too long?) piano piece.
Actually, I wrote this long ago before I was even able to record (before I had the program, or the keyboard), and just remembered it for like, 3 years until now.
So, finally i keyed it in. Actually by the end of it i was so god damn frustrated, which is ironic because according to the 2 people who have heard it so far, it is quite relaxing (read: boring?). You be the judge.
Actually, I wrote this long ago before I was even able to record (before I had the program, or the keyboard), and just remembered it for like, 3 years until now.
So, finally i keyed it in. Actually by the end of it i was so god damn frustrated, which is ironic because according to the 2 people who have heard it so far, it is quite relaxing (read: boring?). You be the judge.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
money is good
In fact, it's GREAT.
I've saved > $1000 in about 3 or 4 weeks, and that includes buying a number of new clothes, paying bills, and going out every weekend and getting so drunk that i forget my own name!
Love it!
I've saved > $1000 in about 3 or 4 weeks, and that includes buying a number of new clothes, paying bills, and going out every weekend and getting so drunk that i forget my own name!
Love it!
Monday, July 03, 2006
latest musical offering
Played around again with Reason 3.0 tonight. This is nothing special, I just like the instruments really.
Since i haven't played with it for ages, I figured I might as well put it up here.
Since i haven't played with it for ages, I figured I might as well put it up here.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Not the best two weeks of my life
So, seriously, things have been so crazy and mostly shithouse for the last 2 weeks that you know, I feel like it's worth putting here. That way at least when things get good, I can look back on this and appreciate it all the more.
So here's what's gone down:
1. After a weekend away in Sydney, a friend of mine of about two years and I fall out. He is a compulsive liar, with a gambling problem, and a super-arrogant annoying facade.
2. A friend from Jujutsu class (i.e. part of the "jujutsu family") passes away from a diabetes-related heart condition.
3. Got into a fight with a busker on the street after he pickpocketed my friend. However, my friend managed to reprocure the wallet and run away, WITHOUT telling me. Hatred of this lack of responsibility ensues! So when the busker starts chasing him, I think he still has the wallet, and I give chase. Result: Unharmed busker (i took him down carefully) and one fucking painful and bloody nose for me that still hurts a week later. Then he tries to sue me for $260 (that's including $50 "loss of income", lol!).
4. A week after point 2 occurs, a message is received saying that another acquaintance has hanged herself! Then it is revealed that it was her ex-boyfriend who sent the messages. But just TODAY it is further revealed that actually it was HER who sent the message in order to get revenge on HIM for something else! Seriously, so soon after someone I actually like dies, to have this thrown in and then pulled out again is actually rather painful.
5. 11 hour casual work during the day, between the hours of 5am and 9pm. The boss picks on me for shits and giggles (just in the last couple of weeks!) This combined with World Cup Soccer (which Australia LOST) results in a weakened immune system and a cold.
6. Last night, a reclusive friend who I've been trying to get off everyday marijuana and I fall out, for the second time. Recently he told me "Yes, I've given weed up." He's the most odd person I've ever met (although smart at times), but last night he got overly sensitive (not the fucking first time) about another friend of mine whom he thought was laughing at him. Or so that's how it looked (and he denies it now, the pothead). He storms out without a word and drives home, with my keys, sunglasses and jacket in his car. Not responding to any phone calls or messages, I end up having to catch a cab to my friend's house, and growing increasingly anxious because it's -3 degrees, and I have to be at work at 5:30am the next day (I ended up an hour late). Finally at 4:30am he calls me up, and I yell abuse at him down the line. He comes to my friend's house and I open the car door and a cloud of green smoke pours out of it. What a fuckwit.
7. Upcoming move to Japan delayed from October to January.
So, the end result is one friend dead, two friends now on non-speaking terms, and one whose respect has just gone down the toilet. Furthermore, emotions having been toyed with regarding the (non)death of another acquaintance. Also a busted nose, a possible court case (unlikely, though), sickness, lack of sleep, loss of World Cup, and now I have to wait a further three months before I can get out of here.
All that in 2 weeks. Crazy hey! Well I guess 3 good things have happened though, come to think of it. One, despite losing a lot of friends in a short period of time, I am hanging out more and more with my new Sri Lankan friend now. He's cool, and likes drinking haha. The night of the fight I got it on with a slamming hottie (yes, I mean a girl) while in Canberra's only gay club (lol! it was my first time in there. weird!), and then today at work they tell me they've been underpaying me because of a computer glitch and that I can expect $100 a week extra in my weekly pay for the next 4 weeks :)
So maybe things aren't THAT bad after all...
So, seriously, things have been so crazy and mostly shithouse for the last 2 weeks that you know, I feel like it's worth putting here. That way at least when things get good, I can look back on this and appreciate it all the more.
So here's what's gone down:
1. After a weekend away in Sydney, a friend of mine of about two years and I fall out. He is a compulsive liar, with a gambling problem, and a super-arrogant annoying facade.
2. A friend from Jujutsu class (i.e. part of the "jujutsu family") passes away from a diabetes-related heart condition.
3. Got into a fight with a busker on the street after he pickpocketed my friend. However, my friend managed to reprocure the wallet and run away, WITHOUT telling me. Hatred of this lack of responsibility ensues! So when the busker starts chasing him, I think he still has the wallet, and I give chase. Result: Unharmed busker (i took him down carefully) and one fucking painful and bloody nose for me that still hurts a week later. Then he tries to sue me for $260 (that's including $50 "loss of income", lol!).
4. A week after point 2 occurs, a message is received saying that another acquaintance has hanged herself! Then it is revealed that it was her ex-boyfriend who sent the messages. But just TODAY it is further revealed that actually it was HER who sent the message in order to get revenge on HIM for something else! Seriously, so soon after someone I actually like dies, to have this thrown in and then pulled out again is actually rather painful.
5. 11 hour casual work during the day, between the hours of 5am and 9pm. The boss picks on me for shits and giggles (just in the last couple of weeks!) This combined with World Cup Soccer (which Australia LOST) results in a weakened immune system and a cold.
6. Last night, a reclusive friend who I've been trying to get off everyday marijuana and I fall out, for the second time. Recently he told me "Yes, I've given weed up." He's the most odd person I've ever met (although smart at times), but last night he got overly sensitive (not the fucking first time) about another friend of mine whom he thought was laughing at him. Or so that's how it looked (and he denies it now, the pothead). He storms out without a word and drives home, with my keys, sunglasses and jacket in his car. Not responding to any phone calls or messages, I end up having to catch a cab to my friend's house, and growing increasingly anxious because it's -3 degrees, and I have to be at work at 5:30am the next day (I ended up an hour late). Finally at 4:30am he calls me up, and I yell abuse at him down the line. He comes to my friend's house and I open the car door and a cloud of green smoke pours out of it. What a fuckwit.
7. Upcoming move to Japan delayed from October to January.
So, the end result is one friend dead, two friends now on non-speaking terms, and one whose respect has just gone down the toilet. Furthermore, emotions having been toyed with regarding the (non)death of another acquaintance. Also a busted nose, a possible court case (unlikely, though), sickness, lack of sleep, loss of World Cup, and now I have to wait a further three months before I can get out of here.
All that in 2 weeks. Crazy hey! Well I guess 3 good things have happened though, come to think of it. One, despite losing a lot of friends in a short period of time, I am hanging out more and more with my new Sri Lankan friend now. He's cool, and likes drinking haha. The night of the fight I got it on with a slamming hottie (yes, I mean a girl) while in Canberra's only gay club (lol! it was my first time in there. weird!), and then today at work they tell me they've been underpaying me because of a computer glitch and that I can expect $100 a week extra in my weekly pay for the next 4 weeks :)
So maybe things aren't THAT bad after all...
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Monday, June 05, 2006
Big Gay Bundanoon
Hello! Long time no write!
Well, I just got back from a weekend away for my boss's 50th birthday party in the counry town of Bundanoon. It was pretty good i guess. Except for the very large number of the campest gay middle aged men.
Seriously, except for that it was good. The hotel was really nice - an old early 1900's hotel with a bar downstairs and rooms upstairs. The main street of the town was just a short walk from the hotel. So we had coffee a fair few times in the little country cafes.
So we left at 1pm on friday.. got there by about 3. Checked into the hotel and then headed off to a house down the road where about 10 of the other guests were staying. There were about 60 guests in total - all paid for by my boss.
Now, of the 60 or so people, about 50 of them were gay men! My boss is a mega homo you see. And he invited all his gay friends - most of them are in couples of elder white fat man and young asian boy. It was pretty gross, i thought.
Now let me say here, I'm not gay right. But unlike a lot of my friends, it doesn't bother me to be around them! Since i came back i've been paid out constantly by my friends for going on this weekend. For example, I was so drunk both nights i was there that i was feeling so sick by the time i got back to Canberra. So I would say to my friends back home "Oh jeez, I feel so sick in the guts"
Their answer: "Must be from all that semen you ingested over the weekend."
Anyway, the gayness was pretty freaky but I could totally handle it. I wouldn't be surprised, however, if I am told next time i go to work that some of the fags there "fancied me". Yeuurgh. Anyway my butthole is intact, so that's all we need to worry about.
So yeah, back to the story. Friday night, we get there, head off to this house for a massive barbecue. All kinds of meat and salads and stuff, and loads of wine. We all got shitfaced and then headed back to the hotel.
After a restless night's sleep (my roommates were snoring like trains), i got up and we went to this place called Fitzroy Falls - in the Morton National Park. So we just walked along the little tracks and got to see some amazing landscapes and a big waterfall. It was so windy!
We came back from that and then I went into the huge hall where the party was to be held and started practising the piano (I had been invited mainly because the boss wanted me to play an hour of 'dinner piano' during the pre-dinner cocktail hour). I was a bit nervous and as time went on I got even more nervous! There was another guy there, one of the older gents who had a young asian boyfriend (yeeeuck) who could play piano really well in this jazz style. He basically told me over and over not to worry.. but you know, performance is by definition a bit nerve wracking.
Thankfully, when the time finally came to play piano, i came to the realisation that in a setting like that with so many people chatting and drinking champagne, it doesn't actually matter WHAT the pianist plays. The thing is, everyone recognises the thematic songs (like piano man, don't cry for me argentina, beatles songs etc) but when you're not playing one of them, people love it even though they're not really paying attention. In other words, people can hear the piano, but they're not listening to it.
So once i realised that no one was really noticing or anything, i relaxed a lot and just got into the groove. i tried to take a few requests and actually managed to do some pretty good impromptu adlibs. Like someone would say: "can you play so-and-so?" and i would be like: "i don't know, let's see!" And i'd try and play it for the first time ever and (as is my god-given talent), get it right. hehe! Cue everyone saying: "wow, that's amazing!!!"
So, it went alright. Once i'd finished, i got up to take a whizz and when i came back, someone had generously left me a $20 note in a little jar that was on the piano. Funny, I had been playing "piano man" that night... I just remember the line about "putting bread in my jar"...
There was a cute girl there actually. Which was good, because the other 50 guests were gay men being ultra gay and kissing each other on the lips and stuff. It was freaking me out so i'm very glad this girl was there. She was pretty cute, and she was totally impressed by me (and probably thankful that there was at least one straight guy under 35 there). So we .... did stuff... haha. Nothing too much actually, cos her grandma was chaperoning her. Damn it!!! But actually I'm going to sydney this weekend so i think she's going to come and hang out. haha! i've met her once! oh well, nothing wrong with some good clean 17 year old fun.
So then on sunday we went to another lookout-spot called Echo Point. Pretty amazing actually. You'll see in the photos I'm attaching... ... And then we drove back home! It's been a bit strange, 2 nights and 3 days surrounded by a very large bunch of the gayest men you've ever seen. It was like a total escape from reality hanging out with them and it was a bit scary. And now that i'm back to reality it really felt for a while like it was a longer time away! I went to work today (at my other job, not the one where all these people were from) and i was like: "oh that's right, there are HEAPS of hot girls around!!!" It was like the 2 days without any girls (apart from that one 17yo girl) had made me forget how many girls are around and how hot they can be! Phew! Thank god I'm not gay - I don't think i could live without being able to perv on the cute little things walking around :)
Anyway, it was a very weird weekend and I'm back now - i didn't have to spend a dollar so the whole weekend yielded me a $20 profit. Apparently the whole weekend cost my boss $6000, but after he got drunk and told me how much of a money spinner the business he owns is (i.e. the hotel for schoolkids of which i am an employee), i don't feel so bad about the fact i got through the weekend, aside from the piano-playing, scott free.
Next weekend I head up to sydney for my ex-housemate Steve's 21st birthday party. That should be even bigger than this last weekend. Too bad I have to pay for it. :)
Ok, Seeya!

The town of Bundanoon (pop. ~2000)

The Bundanoon Hotel

Various shots of and from Fitzroy Falls

The view from Echo Point

My boss in his birthday present - bright pink fairy overalls :)
Well, I just got back from a weekend away for my boss's 50th birthday party in the counry town of Bundanoon. It was pretty good i guess. Except for the very large number of the campest gay middle aged men.
Seriously, except for that it was good. The hotel was really nice - an old early 1900's hotel with a bar downstairs and rooms upstairs. The main street of the town was just a short walk from the hotel. So we had coffee a fair few times in the little country cafes.
So we left at 1pm on friday.. got there by about 3. Checked into the hotel and then headed off to a house down the road where about 10 of the other guests were staying. There were about 60 guests in total - all paid for by my boss.
Now, of the 60 or so people, about 50 of them were gay men! My boss is a mega homo you see. And he invited all his gay friends - most of them are in couples of elder white fat man and young asian boy. It was pretty gross, i thought.
Now let me say here, I'm not gay right. But unlike a lot of my friends, it doesn't bother me to be around them! Since i came back i've been paid out constantly by my friends for going on this weekend. For example, I was so drunk both nights i was there that i was feeling so sick by the time i got back to Canberra. So I would say to my friends back home "Oh jeez, I feel so sick in the guts"
Their answer: "Must be from all that semen you ingested over the weekend."
Anyway, the gayness was pretty freaky but I could totally handle it. I wouldn't be surprised, however, if I am told next time i go to work that some of the fags there "fancied me". Yeuurgh. Anyway my butthole is intact, so that's all we need to worry about.
So yeah, back to the story. Friday night, we get there, head off to this house for a massive barbecue. All kinds of meat and salads and stuff, and loads of wine. We all got shitfaced and then headed back to the hotel.
After a restless night's sleep (my roommates were snoring like trains), i got up and we went to this place called Fitzroy Falls - in the Morton National Park. So we just walked along the little tracks and got to see some amazing landscapes and a big waterfall. It was so windy!
We came back from that and then I went into the huge hall where the party was to be held and started practising the piano (I had been invited mainly because the boss wanted me to play an hour of 'dinner piano' during the pre-dinner cocktail hour). I was a bit nervous and as time went on I got even more nervous! There was another guy there, one of the older gents who had a young asian boyfriend (yeeeuck) who could play piano really well in this jazz style. He basically told me over and over not to worry.. but you know, performance is by definition a bit nerve wracking.
Thankfully, when the time finally came to play piano, i came to the realisation that in a setting like that with so many people chatting and drinking champagne, it doesn't actually matter WHAT the pianist plays. The thing is, everyone recognises the thematic songs (like piano man, don't cry for me argentina, beatles songs etc) but when you're not playing one of them, people love it even though they're not really paying attention. In other words, people can hear the piano, but they're not listening to it.
So once i realised that no one was really noticing or anything, i relaxed a lot and just got into the groove. i tried to take a few requests and actually managed to do some pretty good impromptu adlibs. Like someone would say: "can you play so-and-so?" and i would be like: "i don't know, let's see!" And i'd try and play it for the first time ever and (as is my god-given talent), get it right. hehe! Cue everyone saying: "wow, that's amazing!!!"
So, it went alright. Once i'd finished, i got up to take a whizz and when i came back, someone had generously left me a $20 note in a little jar that was on the piano. Funny, I had been playing "piano man" that night... I just remember the line about "putting bread in my jar"...
There was a cute girl there actually. Which was good, because the other 50 guests were gay men being ultra gay and kissing each other on the lips and stuff. It was freaking me out so i'm very glad this girl was there. She was pretty cute, and she was totally impressed by me (and probably thankful that there was at least one straight guy under 35 there). So we .... did stuff... haha. Nothing too much actually, cos her grandma was chaperoning her. Damn it!!! But actually I'm going to sydney this weekend so i think she's going to come and hang out. haha! i've met her once! oh well, nothing wrong with some good clean 17 year old fun.
So then on sunday we went to another lookout-spot called Echo Point. Pretty amazing actually. You'll see in the photos I'm attaching... ... And then we drove back home! It's been a bit strange, 2 nights and 3 days surrounded by a very large bunch of the gayest men you've ever seen. It was like a total escape from reality hanging out with them and it was a bit scary. And now that i'm back to reality it really felt for a while like it was a longer time away! I went to work today (at my other job, not the one where all these people were from) and i was like: "oh that's right, there are HEAPS of hot girls around!!!" It was like the 2 days without any girls (apart from that one 17yo girl) had made me forget how many girls are around and how hot they can be! Phew! Thank god I'm not gay - I don't think i could live without being able to perv on the cute little things walking around :)
Anyway, it was a very weird weekend and I'm back now - i didn't have to spend a dollar so the whole weekend yielded me a $20 profit. Apparently the whole weekend cost my boss $6000, but after he got drunk and told me how much of a money spinner the business he owns is (i.e. the hotel for schoolkids of which i am an employee), i don't feel so bad about the fact i got through the weekend, aside from the piano-playing, scott free.
Next weekend I head up to sydney for my ex-housemate Steve's 21st birthday party. That should be even bigger than this last weekend. Too bad I have to pay for it. :)
Ok, Seeya!

The town of Bundanoon (pop. ~2000)

The Bundanoon Hotel

Various shots of and from Fitzroy Falls

The view from Echo Point

My boss in his birthday present - bright pink fairy overalls :)
Saturday, May 06, 2006
A bit old now but still fucking awesome...
... is the song "My Immortal" by Evanescence. Make sure you get the 'full band' version for the epic drum finale!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
you motherfucking cunts
I got a letter from the Japanese Embassy today REJECTING my application to the 2006 JET Programme. Can you believe that? I speak Japanese and have already got experience teaching English in Japan. Those motherfuckers!
Reassuringly, however, is the knowledge that they want total noobs to participate in JET, and I know I'm not the only one who can speak Japanese and has missed out on JET. Something to do with the fact that they don't want people to speak Japanese in class. Stupid!
Well, back to the drawing board. I guess I'll just have to save up enough money to get over there. With a degree and a working-holiday visa, it should be no problem.
God damn it though!
Reassuringly, however, is the knowledge that they want total noobs to participate in JET, and I know I'm not the only one who can speak Japanese and has missed out on JET. Something to do with the fact that they don't want people to speak Japanese in class. Stupid!
Well, back to the drawing board. I guess I'll just have to save up enough money to get over there. With a degree and a working-holiday visa, it should be no problem.
God damn it though!
i am the pwnage, bitches
I just had the shits today with how many idiots actually fall for this kind of shite.
"Hey it is Andy and John the directors of MSN,
Sorry for the interruption but msn is closing down. Seriously.
This is because too many inconsiderate people are taking up all the names
(eg: making up lots of different accounts for just one person), we only have
578 names left.
If you would like to close your account, DO NOT SEND THIS MESSAGE ON.
If you would like to keep your account, then SEND THIS MESSAGE TO EVERYONE
This is no joke, we will be shutting down the servers. Send it on, thanks.
I actually got forwarded this by a guy who actually believed it, and sent it to me and a number of others!
So, in the spirit of pwning n00bs, i wrote back:
"OK look,
Everyone knows that if Microsoft were to start charging for MSN, 99% of the people who use it would stop, and move over to another free messaging service.
Furthermore, that stupid BBC News Article that was posted in that last email was published in 2001 about Microsoft "maybe" introducing new services that it would charge for.
2001 people, come on. Pay attention here. They weren't even talking about charging for MSN, only the possibility of adding some extra features which they could charge for. That's right kids, 5 years ago.
Finally, there is a link directly from said website that takes you to this page: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/4778046.stm , entitled: "Thousands fall for Hotmail prank".
p.s. "Hey it is Andy and John the directors of MSN, "
LOLROFL do you actually think that the directors of MSN (uh, don't you mean of Microsoft) would introduce themselves in a different way than "Hey it is Andy and John."? Perhaps they'd have a nice letterhead and put it at least in something slightly official-looking, rather than in a haphazard email. 578 names left? Oh no! Have we run out of letters? Better invent some more! How about some little crazy pictographs of people stabbing things and stuff. Yeah.. yeah.. sweet."
Seriously, how can people use computers and do whatever-else it is they do as well as they do it every day when they fall for things like this? The mind boggles.
"Hey it is Andy and John the directors of MSN,
Sorry for the interruption but msn is closing down. Seriously.
This is because too many inconsiderate people are taking up all the names
(eg: making up lots of different accounts for just one person), we only have
578 names left.
If you would like to close your account, DO NOT SEND THIS MESSAGE ON.
If you would like to keep your account, then SEND THIS MESSAGE TO EVERYONE
This is no joke, we will be shutting down the servers. Send it on, thanks.
I actually got forwarded this by a guy who actually believed it, and sent it to me and a number of others!
So, in the spirit of pwning n00bs, i wrote back:
"OK look,
Everyone knows that if Microsoft were to start charging for MSN, 99% of the people who use it would stop, and move over to another free messaging service.
Furthermore, that stupid BBC News Article that was posted in that last email was published in 2001 about Microsoft "maybe" introducing new services that it would charge for.
2001 people, come on. Pay attention here. They weren't even talking about charging for MSN, only the possibility of adding some extra features which they could charge for. That's right kids, 5 years ago.
Finally, there is a link directly from said website that takes you to this page: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/4778046.stm , entitled: "Thousands fall for Hotmail prank".
p.s. "Hey it is Andy and John the directors of MSN, "
LOLROFL do you actually think that the directors of MSN (uh, don't you mean of Microsoft) would introduce themselves in a different way than "Hey it is Andy and John."? Perhaps they'd have a nice letterhead and put it at least in something slightly official-looking, rather than in a haphazard email. 578 names left? Oh no! Have we run out of letters? Better invent some more! How about some little crazy pictographs of people stabbing things and stuff. Yeah.. yeah.. sweet."
Seriously, how can people use computers and do whatever-else it is they do as well as they do it every day when they fall for things like this? The mind boggles.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
A proud moment
After a week and a half with Reason 3.0 at my disposal, I've pretty much completed a song. I don't have a microphone yet, so assume that melodic, treble sound to be a voice .. one day.
Here it is!
Here it is!
Sunday, March 12, 2006
New Developments
I'd just like to make a note of some of the new things that are happening these days, for the sole purpose of having a record of when they happened:
1. My second job (or rather, my first job working with kids) begins again in earnest this week! Fucking FANTASTIC! Now that I have two jobs I can stop being so poor.
2. Once again, I dyed my hair.
3. After much procrastination, I finally "acquired" and installed a music sequencing program, in this case, I got Propellerhead Reason 3.0. God only knows why I was so lazy to get into it, as creating music is for me one of the most satisfying feelings in life. Who knows, if I make a song that I can confidently believe is not bad, I may post it. But not yet. Haha.
4. A friend of mine has moved into my house for 3 weeks, breaking up the monotony of living here by myself. I just wish he'd stop flashing his arse! :|
5. Not that I'm particularly interested in sport, but last night Australia was playing South Africa in the final of the 5-game one-day series. Australia batted first, getting a World Record of 434 runs in 50 overs - a phenomenal score that beats the old record of 398. There was surely no chance that South Africa would get even close. But lo and behold, they start smashing balls all over the place, and got to 435 with one ball left in the game! This is unheard of!!! We held the world record for a total of ONE innings! I don't really care much about sport but that is by far the most exciting game of cricket I've ever seen.
6. Finally, my isp (iinet) has upgraded my connection to "up to 24,000kbps" with 20gb of downloads. That, plus the cost of the line rental (the 'bundled' deal) only sets me back $83 a month. Not bad at all.
1. My second job (or rather, my first job working with kids) begins again in earnest this week! Fucking FANTASTIC! Now that I have two jobs I can stop being so poor.
2. Once again, I dyed my hair.
3. After much procrastination, I finally "acquired" and installed a music sequencing program, in this case, I got Propellerhead Reason 3.0. God only knows why I was so lazy to get into it, as creating music is for me one of the most satisfying feelings in life. Who knows, if I make a song that I can confidently believe is not bad, I may post it. But not yet. Haha.
4. A friend of mine has moved into my house for 3 weeks, breaking up the monotony of living here by myself. I just wish he'd stop flashing his arse! :|
5. Not that I'm particularly interested in sport, but last night Australia was playing South Africa in the final of the 5-game one-day series. Australia batted first, getting a World Record of 434 runs in 50 overs - a phenomenal score that beats the old record of 398. There was surely no chance that South Africa would get even close. But lo and behold, they start smashing balls all over the place, and got to 435 with one ball left in the game! This is unheard of!!! We held the world record for a total of ONE innings! I don't really care much about sport but that is by far the most exciting game of cricket I've ever seen.
6. Finally, my isp (iinet) has upgraded my connection to "up to 24,000kbps" with 20gb of downloads. That, plus the cost of the line rental (the 'bundled' deal) only sets me back $83 a month. Not bad at all.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Just another reason not to be a Muslim...
What the hell is going on here?
Cutting their heads to show their faith or something? Seriously, I'm all for freedom of religion but anyone who does that is just fucking stupid.
Cutting their heads to show their faith or something? Seriously, I'm all for freedom of religion but anyone who does that is just fucking stupid.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
New trend in girls' clothes
What is with this annoying trend these days for girls to wear short shorts and BIG SUNGLASSES that make them look like blowflies?
According to a friend of mine, it began further north, in Queensland or something, and then has spread everywhere. There are two big problems with this stupid trend:
1. Shorts, despite tightly gripping the buttocks and looking quite nice on girls with an ass smaller than two oversized watermelons fighting in a pair of pants, make it exceptionally difficult to take ninjashots.
2. Those stupid glasses are so old fashioned and they make girls look like flies. Have you ever thought that maybe they are wearing such big glasses to cover up their ugly faces? While they're all wearing sunglasses, you can hardly see the condition of their skin or the juxtapositioning of their features. Oh! What a handy disguise! Thank god there's yet another way to cover up your ugly mug! Why not try eating better or not getting absolutely maggots drunk every night and your skin on your face might look a bit nicer.
It might be alright if only a few girls were wearing the same outfit - it's just that lately it's gotten to plague proportions to the extent that I can't tell the difference between one girl and another except by the colours they have chosen.
It's amazing, actually. I'll try and get a photo of it one day.
According to a friend of mine, it began further north, in Queensland or something, and then has spread everywhere. There are two big problems with this stupid trend:
1. Shorts, despite tightly gripping the buttocks and looking quite nice on girls with an ass smaller than two oversized watermelons fighting in a pair of pants, make it exceptionally difficult to take ninjashots.
2. Those stupid glasses are so old fashioned and they make girls look like flies. Have you ever thought that maybe they are wearing such big glasses to cover up their ugly faces? While they're all wearing sunglasses, you can hardly see the condition of their skin or the juxtapositioning of their features. Oh! What a handy disguise! Thank god there's yet another way to cover up your ugly mug! Why not try eating better or not getting absolutely maggots drunk every night and your skin on your face might look a bit nicer.
It might be alright if only a few girls were wearing the same outfit - it's just that lately it's gotten to plague proportions to the extent that I can't tell the difference between one girl and another except by the colours they have chosen.
It's amazing, actually. I'll try and get a photo of it one day.
Parking in town...
... is a fucking joke!! $8 for 4 hours. How are people supposed to go to work in town when it is so ludicrously overpriced? I mean, it's not really THAT much compared with Sydney or other places, but to go to work every day and pay $8 when you're only working for 4 hours is super annoying.
The answer: public transport. As much as I hate it (the derros, the small seats etc.), the $2.60 return trip shits all over the inconvenience of having to find a park, then pay $8 + petrol expenses for it.
So here's a big GET STUFFED to the assholes who make it so prohibitively expensive.
The answer: public transport. As much as I hate it (the derros, the small seats etc.), the $2.60 return trip shits all over the inconvenience of having to find a park, then pay $8 + petrol expenses for it.
So here's a big GET STUFFED to the assholes who make it so prohibitively expensive.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Why do FM104.7 listeners love fireworks SO much?
I went to Canberra's yearly fireworks show, 'Skyfire' tonight. Sponsored, like its equivalents in other cities (well, Adelaide at least) by FM 104.7, that simple "appeal-to-the-lowest-common-denominator-yet-everybody's-favourite" radio station. Ok, i'll listen to it a bit and watch their fireworks. Hey, it's free, and who doesn't love fireworks?

(pathetically, that was the only photo I got)
Ok, it was cool anyway. Afterwards on the drive back into the city, 104.7 was having all these 'post-skyfire' interviews. "What did you think?" they would ask people. The weird thing was that people were actually saying that it was 'very emotional', and "when that song came on and the fireworks went off, I had tears in my eyes!"
What the hell is with that? It was fireworks. I don't get how they make you cry. Someone explain this to me please.

(pathetically, that was the only photo I got)
Ok, it was cool anyway. Afterwards on the drive back into the city, 104.7 was having all these 'post-skyfire' interviews. "What did you think?" they would ask people. The weird thing was that people were actually saying that it was 'very emotional', and "when that song came on and the fireworks went off, I had tears in my eyes!"
What the hell is with that? It was fireworks. I don't get how they make you cry. Someone explain this to me please.
New Look
As you can see I have changed the template of my blog. I was just beginning to feel that the dark background wasn't adequately reflective of how i'm feeling at the moment! Hopefully the brighter background will rekindle my spirit of blog-posting, which has as its innate requirement a life that is sufficiently exciting to write about.
Basically, this is an easy way for me to 'start afresh' and who knows... maybe THIS time something will come good out of it!
Meanwhile, here's a picture with a small thumbnail.

Basically, this is an easy way for me to 'start afresh' and who knows... maybe THIS time something will come good out of it!
Meanwhile, here's a picture with a small thumbnail.

Friday, February 17, 2006
The Ice Cold Kitchen Evolution
Here are pictures, in chronological order, of the renovation of my kitchen. All parts are from IKEA in Melbourne.

The kitchen before we started. Notice the annoying breakfast-bar thing that halves the size of the whole room.

Breakfast bar knocked out, cabinets being removed.

Cabinets fully removed and plumber fixing the hot water system (which we broke in trying to move ourselves!)

New tiles, one IKEA cabinet built and positioned. Notice the forty-year-old galvanised iron pipe in the wall.

Cabinets being assembled, pipe now cut short.

The shit that fell out of that forty-year-old pipe when we cut it off!

More cabinets assembled, now standing on legs and fixed to the wall.

All cabinets now fixed to wall. The cool metal things you see in the middle of the picture are actually rotating baskets - they pull out and you can store heaps of stuff in them.

New wall cabinets! My world record time in assembling one of these cabinets - 9 minutes.

Cool laminex benchtops!

New carpets! Sink and hotplates! Extra cabinet at front left!

New tiles! It's nearly done!
And finally, the completed kitchen and living room. Drum roll please.

Total cost (including plumbers' fees, sinks, hotplates and all the other stuff that didn't come from IKEA): ~$6000. Not bad considering the next door neighbours spent over $15,000 for a kitchen not bigger nor better!
Total time taken: 22 days (but we had about 4 days off in the process).
Total impressiveness: 5000 points plus the new ability to make girls 'drop trou' on entry.

The kitchen before we started. Notice the annoying breakfast-bar thing that halves the size of the whole room.

Breakfast bar knocked out, cabinets being removed.

Cabinets fully removed and plumber fixing the hot water system (which we broke in trying to move ourselves!)

New tiles, one IKEA cabinet built and positioned. Notice the forty-year-old galvanised iron pipe in the wall.

Cabinets being assembled, pipe now cut short.

The shit that fell out of that forty-year-old pipe when we cut it off!

More cabinets assembled, now standing on legs and fixed to the wall.

All cabinets now fixed to wall. The cool metal things you see in the middle of the picture are actually rotating baskets - they pull out and you can store heaps of stuff in them.

New wall cabinets! My world record time in assembling one of these cabinets - 9 minutes.

Cool laminex benchtops!

New carpets! Sink and hotplates! Extra cabinet at front left!

New tiles! It's nearly done!
And finally, the completed kitchen and living room. Drum roll please.

Total cost (including plumbers' fees, sinks, hotplates and all the other stuff that didn't come from IKEA): ~$6000. Not bad considering the next door neighbours spent over $15,000 for a kitchen not bigger nor better!
Total time taken: 22 days (but we had about 4 days off in the process).
Total impressiveness: 5000 points plus the new ability to make girls 'drop trou' on entry.
JET Programme Part 1 - Interview
Went today to the Japanese embassy for the JET interview. Got up nice and early (9:30am (hehe)), donned my shirt, tie, nice pants and nice shoes and off I went expecting to be grilled and questioned for ages. How wrong I was!!
After waiting in the foyer for 5 minutes, I am called in to see the panel. Entered a nice room with plush leather couches and marble coffee tables. Four people are in the room, one the First Secretary of Cultural Affairs (the only Japanese person in the room), one ex-JET, one of the JET coordinators, and some other guy who for whatever reason, I can't remember very well! I think he said his name was Jasper Jasperiton or something equally bizarre. That's why I can't remember it!
So I sat down and they started asking me questions in turn. They were pretty easy actually and I was feeling OK about everything. Questions like "Why are you interested in the JET program?" were very simple to answer. Some of the later questions were a bit tricky though - "How would you characterise the Australian identity in Japan?" or "How would you deal with a situation where you are not being informed of important school events because you are not Japanese?" I answered with suitably 'Australian' answers and I felt like I did ok.
One of the questions towards the end was "Why did you choose Chiba city as your first preference?" I answered truthfully - that I have a friend who lives in Tokyo, but moreover, I have already spent over a year living in the Kansai region of Japan, and am interested in the Kantou region for a change! The First Secretary then replies: "Actuarry, you made a good choice - my home shitty (city) is Chiba shitty!" Perfect.
In the end, the whole thing only lasted about 10-15 minutes! I was out of there lickety split. Now I just have to wait till April for them to tell me whether I'm in or out. I feel pretty good and I meet all the qualifications and more - if they don't take me, they're crazy!!
After waiting in the foyer for 5 minutes, I am called in to see the panel. Entered a nice room with plush leather couches and marble coffee tables. Four people are in the room, one the First Secretary of Cultural Affairs (the only Japanese person in the room), one ex-JET, one of the JET coordinators, and some other guy who for whatever reason, I can't remember very well! I think he said his name was Jasper Jasperiton or something equally bizarre. That's why I can't remember it!
So I sat down and they started asking me questions in turn. They were pretty easy actually and I was feeling OK about everything. Questions like "Why are you interested in the JET program?" were very simple to answer. Some of the later questions were a bit tricky though - "How would you characterise the Australian identity in Japan?" or "How would you deal with a situation where you are not being informed of important school events because you are not Japanese?" I answered with suitably 'Australian' answers and I felt like I did ok.
One of the questions towards the end was "Why did you choose Chiba city as your first preference?" I answered truthfully - that I have a friend who lives in Tokyo, but moreover, I have already spent over a year living in the Kansai region of Japan, and am interested in the Kantou region for a change! The First Secretary then replies: "Actuarry, you made a good choice - my home shitty (city) is Chiba shitty!" Perfect.
In the end, the whole thing only lasted about 10-15 minutes! I was out of there lickety split. Now I just have to wait till April for them to tell me whether I'm in or out. I feel pretty good and I meet all the qualifications and more - if they don't take me, they're crazy!!
Saturday, February 11, 2006
A New Beginning...?
Well, it's been a long time since I made any posts here. I guess things were getting a little crazy for a while! Let's try and summate what's been going down:
1. I moved out of the share-house I was living in (see this post to know why that was such a good thing) I moved into a 40 year old apartment a bit further north of the Canberra city centre. It looks a bit like this:

At least it DID look like that soon after I moved in! At the moment, my father is here renovating. It looks like this right now:

The stupid barricade that separates the two halves of the room in that photo above is now gone, and a new kitchen is currently UNDER CONSTRUCTION. (I'll post pics when it's done.)
2. I ran out of money. In fact, I'm STILL out of money. After graduating and losing my student payments from Centrelink, and my job at the hotel on summer holidays, I had to take another job at an Italian cafe/restaurant in the city. It's not so bad - I get free lunch for one thing. But I don't get nearly enough shifts and it's still fucking waitering work. I spend most of my free time applying for full-time jobs on the internet but to no avail so far. However, I have the interview for the 2006 JET program in 5 days time, so hopefully that'll go alright. Last night I was offered a temporary job as a tradesman's assistant working on a massive highway extension in Canberra, and that a 40-50 hour week would net me $1500. Well, anyone who knows me knows how I feel about tradesmen, but it's hard to argue with $1500 a week. More news as it happens.
3. I had an interview for one of the branches of the Department of Defence. I had to go out-of-town for testing and then have a psychological test. I shouldn't really say anymore about that. But I'll tell you that according to the psychologist I am "manic" (i think that means excited and bursting with energy for stuff), I have a "sense of grandiosity", am a "stimulus-seeker", have an "inflated sense of self-esteem", and am not very 'tender-minded' or empathetic. Tell me something I don't know, bitches!
4. As of last week I am going out with a nice girl! It's still early days yet so I won't say too much. Again, more news as it comes to hand.
5. Haha! Most people I know have to go back to uni again next week. That's what they get for dilly-dallying and failing classes. Not like yours truly, who completed the entire degree at maximum speed without failing anything, and I didn't even borrow a book from the library the entire time! That's something to be proud of :)
6. My mother tripped over while at a tap-dancing class, shattering her elbow. Damn those slick shoes!
7. I joined two bands as a keyboard player. Well, it's really just a group of people having a jam at the moment. I've had two jam sessions, both were pretty fun. But I think i might've underestimated the amount of practice and dedication that are required. Actually, that might be bullshit. The annoying thing is that not many other people can just play things by sound. They are very focused on handwriting (sigh!) these scores of music with ridiculous chords and strange rhythms. I just want to do it by the sound, man! I mean, i know what an A-flat-minor-9th chord is, but it feels like having it written down and then being expected to make the most of it in someone else's style seems counter-intuitive. Who knows. I think I should just concentrate on making my own.
Hmm, I can't think of anything else... At the moment my house is a total pigsty because of the renovations. It'll be fantastic when it's done but until then it's a bit hard to call up the usual 20 hot chicks for the weekly naked fiesta party held on my balcony. That's right, you heard me correctly - i said 'balcony'.
So, now that my life has progressed from uni-student, to 'summer-holidays party-animal' to 'get-down-to-business man', I feel like I might have some more interesting things to write about - the crazy stuff that happens and my thoughts about it. Perhaps not for anyone but myself to read, but at least it provides an outlet for the large number of things that swim in my head all day. Hmm, maybe that's what the psychologist was on about...
Anyway, back to assembling IKEA cabinets for now... I'll sign out by posting some random pictures.
Scarlett Johansson AND Keira Knightley naked. Does it get any better?

3D porn! Can you see it?

A freakin' laser

Me discovering that my tongue isn't quite long enough to reach the fat belly dancer. Taken yesterday at the Canberra Multicultural Festival.

Look at this! The sun was fucking RED! And the air smelt like bushfires:

See you soon!
1. I moved out of the share-house I was living in (see this post to know why that was such a good thing) I moved into a 40 year old apartment a bit further north of the Canberra city centre. It looks a bit like this:

At least it DID look like that soon after I moved in! At the moment, my father is here renovating. It looks like this right now:

The stupid barricade that separates the two halves of the room in that photo above is now gone, and a new kitchen is currently UNDER CONSTRUCTION. (I'll post pics when it's done.)
2. I ran out of money. In fact, I'm STILL out of money. After graduating and losing my student payments from Centrelink, and my job at the hotel on summer holidays, I had to take another job at an Italian cafe/restaurant in the city. It's not so bad - I get free lunch for one thing. But I don't get nearly enough shifts and it's still fucking waitering work. I spend most of my free time applying for full-time jobs on the internet but to no avail so far. However, I have the interview for the 2006 JET program in 5 days time, so hopefully that'll go alright. Last night I was offered a temporary job as a tradesman's assistant working on a massive highway extension in Canberra, and that a 40-50 hour week would net me $1500. Well, anyone who knows me knows how I feel about tradesmen, but it's hard to argue with $1500 a week. More news as it happens.
3. I had an interview for one of the branches of the Department of Defence. I had to go out-of-town for testing and then have a psychological test. I shouldn't really say anymore about that. But I'll tell you that according to the psychologist I am "manic" (i think that means excited and bursting with energy for stuff), I have a "sense of grandiosity", am a "stimulus-seeker", have an "inflated sense of self-esteem", and am not very 'tender-minded' or empathetic. Tell me something I don't know, bitches!
4. As of last week I am going out with a nice girl! It's still early days yet so I won't say too much. Again, more news as it comes to hand.
5. Haha! Most people I know have to go back to uni again next week. That's what they get for dilly-dallying and failing classes. Not like yours truly, who completed the entire degree at maximum speed without failing anything, and I didn't even borrow a book from the library the entire time! That's something to be proud of :)
6. My mother tripped over while at a tap-dancing class, shattering her elbow. Damn those slick shoes!
7. I joined two bands as a keyboard player. Well, it's really just a group of people having a jam at the moment. I've had two jam sessions, both were pretty fun. But I think i might've underestimated the amount of practice and dedication that are required. Actually, that might be bullshit. The annoying thing is that not many other people can just play things by sound. They are very focused on handwriting (sigh!) these scores of music with ridiculous chords and strange rhythms. I just want to do it by the sound, man! I mean, i know what an A-flat-minor-9th chord is, but it feels like having it written down and then being expected to make the most of it in someone else's style seems counter-intuitive. Who knows. I think I should just concentrate on making my own.
Hmm, I can't think of anything else... At the moment my house is a total pigsty because of the renovations. It'll be fantastic when it's done but until then it's a bit hard to call up the usual 20 hot chicks for the weekly naked fiesta party held on my balcony. That's right, you heard me correctly - i said 'balcony'.
So, now that my life has progressed from uni-student, to 'summer-holidays party-animal' to 'get-down-to-business man', I feel like I might have some more interesting things to write about - the crazy stuff that happens and my thoughts about it. Perhaps not for anyone but myself to read, but at least it provides an outlet for the large number of things that swim in my head all day. Hmm, maybe that's what the psychologist was on about...
Anyway, back to assembling IKEA cabinets for now... I'll sign out by posting some random pictures.
Scarlett Johansson AND Keira Knightley naked. Does it get any better?

3D porn! Can you see it?

A freakin' laser

Me discovering that my tongue isn't quite long enough to reach the fat belly dancer. Taken yesterday at the Canberra Multicultural Festival.

Look at this! The sun was fucking RED! And the air smelt like bushfires:

See you soon!
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