Saturday, March 04, 2006

Why do FM104.7 listeners love fireworks SO much?

I went to Canberra's yearly fireworks show, 'Skyfire' tonight. Sponsored, like its equivalents in other cities (well, Adelaide at least) by FM 104.7, that simple "appeal-to-the-lowest-common-denominator-yet-everybody's-favourite" radio station. Ok, i'll listen to it a bit and watch their fireworks. Hey, it's free, and who doesn't love fireworks?

(pathetically, that was the only photo I got)

Ok, it was cool anyway. Afterwards on the drive back into the city, 104.7 was having all these 'post-skyfire' interviews. "What did you think?" they would ask people. The weird thing was that people were actually saying that it was 'very emotional', and "when that song came on and the fireworks went off, I had tears in my eyes!"

What the hell is with that? It was fireworks. I don't get how they make you cry. Someone explain this to me please.

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