1. I moved out of the share-house I was living in (see this post to know why that was such a good thing) I moved into a 40 year old apartment a bit further north of the Canberra city centre. It looks a bit like this:

At least it DID look like that soon after I moved in! At the moment, my father is here renovating. It looks like this right now:

The stupid barricade that separates the two halves of the room in that photo above is now gone, and a new kitchen is currently UNDER CONSTRUCTION. (I'll post pics when it's done.)
2. I ran out of money. In fact, I'm STILL out of money. After graduating and losing my student payments from Centrelink, and my job at the hotel on summer holidays, I had to take another job at an Italian cafe/restaurant in the city. It's not so bad - I get free lunch for one thing. But I don't get nearly enough shifts and it's still fucking waitering work. I spend most of my free time applying for full-time jobs on the internet but to no avail so far. However, I have the interview for the 2006 JET program in 5 days time, so hopefully that'll go alright. Last night I was offered a temporary job as a tradesman's assistant working on a massive highway extension in Canberra, and that a 40-50 hour week would net me $1500. Well, anyone who knows me knows how I feel about tradesmen, but it's hard to argue with $1500 a week. More news as it happens.
3. I had an interview for one of the branches of the Department of Defence. I had to go out-of-town for testing and then have a psychological test. I shouldn't really say anymore about that. But I'll tell you that according to the psychologist I am "manic" (i think that means excited and bursting with energy for stuff), I have a "sense of grandiosity", am a "stimulus-seeker", have an "inflated sense of self-esteem", and am not very 'tender-minded' or empathetic. Tell me something I don't know, bitches!
4. As of last week I am going out with a nice girl! It's still early days yet so I won't say too much. Again, more news as it comes to hand.
5. Haha! Most people I know have to go back to uni again next week. That's what they get for dilly-dallying and failing classes. Not like yours truly, who completed the entire degree at maximum speed without failing anything, and I didn't even borrow a book from the library the entire time! That's something to be proud of :)
6. My mother tripped over while at a tap-dancing class, shattering her elbow. Damn those slick shoes!
7. I joined two bands as a keyboard player. Well, it's really just a group of people having a jam at the moment. I've had two jam sessions, both were pretty fun. But I think i might've underestimated the amount of practice and dedication that are required. Actually, that might be bullshit. The annoying thing is that not many other people can just play things by sound. They are very focused on handwriting (sigh!) these scores of music with ridiculous chords and strange rhythms. I just want to do it by the sound, man! I mean, i know what an A-flat-minor-9th chord is, but it feels like having it written down and then being expected to make the most of it in someone else's style seems counter-intuitive. Who knows. I think I should just concentrate on making my own.
Hmm, I can't think of anything else... At the moment my house is a total pigsty because of the renovations. It'll be fantastic when it's done but until then it's a bit hard to call up the usual 20 hot chicks for the weekly naked fiesta party held on my balcony. That's right, you heard me correctly - i said 'balcony'.
So, now that my life has progressed from uni-student, to 'summer-holidays party-animal' to 'get-down-to-business man', I feel like I might have some more interesting things to write about - the crazy stuff that happens and my thoughts about it. Perhaps not for anyone but myself to read, but at least it provides an outlet for the large number of things that swim in my head all day. Hmm, maybe that's what the psychologist was on about...
Anyway, back to assembling IKEA cabinets for now... I'll sign out by posting some random pictures.
Scarlett Johansson AND Keira Knightley naked. Does it get any better?

3D porn! Can you see it?

A freakin' laser

Me discovering that my tongue isn't quite long enough to reach the fat belly dancer. Taken yesterday at the Canberra Multicultural Festival.

Look at this! The sun was fucking RED! And the air smelt like bushfires:

See you soon!
In case you didn't know, the "girl" in the 3D porn photo is a famous transvestite (ie. "she" has a cock) by the that goes by the name of "Vanity.
Haha are you serious? Oh well, I only picked that one because it had good 3D effects. Scary that it's a guy though... eww.
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