It's pretty good I guess. Today I held the first "fun musical english class" which involved me, a bunch of kids, and their mothers in the room (pictured below), with me playing nursery rhymes on the piano while the kids attempted to sing. Ah well, it was OK.
The front of the bulding

The sign at the front door - translates to "Jinyu Family Classroom"

The room where the action happens. Note the lack of chairs (we all sit on the floor - fine for the kids but my knees sure do take a beating)

On another note, I got my first phone bill today. ¥11,022. That's like $130. Oops!
holy shit ¥11000?? oh well, its always the first phone bill that hurts. your work place seems small, enjoyin it?
Yeah man it rocks. Today I misread the schedule and had an extra hour to kill, so I bought a hot milk tea and went and sat in the sun in the park near work.
On Monday and Tuesday, I napped at work! Heh heh.
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