Went to a Hanami Party (that's the one where you drink beer under the cherry blossoms in the park) today in Yoyogi Park. It was pretty good except the place was totally PACKED with people. I mean, it's an enormous park with toilet blocks and everything but still, the line for the toilets was still like 40 minutes for the guys and over an hour for the girls. It was fucking ridiculous. But, we all drank beer and had a good time - there were like 6 DJ's hanging around playing mostly dance music and people were getting really drunk and dancing around. It wasn't even a special event, just a regular Sunday, although it is the last day of the Spring Holidays so I guess that was why.
Anyway, here are some pics.
Some of the people in the group that I was with. Notice the other people around the park - well, this was the NON-crowded area.

A girl named Rei.

Me standing in front of a whole lot of cherry blossoms! By this point I think I was a little drunk.

My friend, Takako.
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