Then again, that may have just been me. When I watched it, I didn't realise at the time but there were supposed to be subtitles. Half of the movie is set in the Moroccan desert, and I thought that the point was that you DIDN'T understand what they were saying, thus giving it that "watching people" kind of feel. The rest of the movie was in Japanese and English, and I had no trouble understanding that. I thought it was quite a stroke of genius - make the words unintelligible so one has to actually think about what one is seeing in order to make sense of the movie, instead of just reading what they're saying. This, combined with the story of the deaf Japanese girl all seemed to make sense...
Or so I thought! Thinking it was just a bit suspiscious, after watching in sans subtitles in Quicktime I thought I'd have a quick look at running it in VLC and sure enough, SUBTITLES. And I missed them all.
Still, I guess it at least somewhat demonstrates that it was a good movie by the fact that even though I had no clue what these Moroccan sand monkeys were talking about, I still understood what the hell was going on.
My rating: 7/10

1 comment:
You're a movie critic now too? There arent many other skills you could have are there? Maybe you could get a job with Margaret Pomeranz when you come back to oz!
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