Sunday, July 06, 2008

Fun with Fireworks

Step 1: Buy fireworks.
Step 2: Set camera to maximum exposure time.
Step 3: Set fire to tip of firework (hand-held type).
Step 4: Spin the arm that is holding the firework in the largest straight-armed circle you can.
Step 5: While spinning, get someone else to take the photo.



Anonymous said...

he.l.lo! are you xsti.l.l bvlo.ggimngP? I xsaw your thimng abvout xsp/ bveer onm keybvoard,c amnd itxs xstramnge emnough I xsp/ dr p/ep/p/er omn mnimne,c typ/ed "i imn goog.le amnd it mnat,ched your exsa,ct weird typ/oxs.l thixs ixs fu,cked .lo.l.l

Max Breaker said...

Haha! Amazing!