Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Today is the 10th Anniversary of my favourite band, globe !

To commemorate the day they released a new album today entitled 'globe2 pop/rock' !

I have been waiting for this album for AGES!! Well, now it's out, and i've got it!

As always, i am not immediately thrilled. As always, it will take me a few days, maybe even a week to start to appreciate it. It always happens with globe albums! I don't know why! It just has to grow on me for a while...

Nevertheless, it has made my day :)

1 comment:

Max Breaker said...

I have mixed feelings as well. The songs are good, but I agree with what you say about the songs being too short! Where is INSIDE? Where is Don't Look Back? All these little songs leave a bit to be desired.

Older songs like Faces Places were instantly memorable, whereas these songs aren't as much... however, I thought lights2 was the same until literally months after I got it, when i actually realised that it was a very inspired album.

Oh well, only time will tell !