Monday, August 22, 2005

finally back at jujutsu + a funny story

Today I went back to 柔術 class after a very on-and-off month. I have been so sick for ages - a whole month almost - with just this unshakeable cold. Actually it started off with a dizzying flu but only recently has my nose stopped running and my cough subsided. How frustrating!

Anyway, apart from SMASHING MY CAR INTO THE BRICK LETTERBOX the other day, things have been taking a turn for the better! My health is improving, the weather is improving, uni is not looking so difficult anymore, I went back to jujutsu, and I am working towards my plan to go o/s next year. Now, I should just go back to the gym. It's all about the dollars though, man.

A funny thing happened today, too:

It started a few days ago actually, when in our boredom, my housemate Richard and I started opening the hundreds of random letters we get in our mailbox addressed to former tenants of our house and the like. Most of them were crap - just junk mail and stupid offers and stuff, except for one of them that Richo opened and it turned out to be our neighbour's gas bill!

Feeling embarrassed about opening it, he put it in the recycle bin and said "It's ok, they'll get a new one in the mail soon enough..."

Today, though, as my car is out-of-order, I got a lift with one of the neighbours, Veena, who does jujutsu with me. On the way home I thought that it was pretty bad to have thrown out a bill of theirs so I told her and I said I'd give it back when we got home. And she was all like: "Oh! You should've given it to us straight away ! A bill is important !" She was a bit shat. But then she said: "Oh by the way, is your new housemate's name Rob?"
"No, it's Richard - we call him Richo."
"Oh... not Rob then..."
"... No..."

So I was feeling pretty bad about the bill, but nevertheless I retrieved it and went next door to hand it over. When I got there however, she had told the rest of her housemates (making me feel worse), but then they said: "Actually we got some mail for Richard... and we opened it, too!"

"Oh ho ho !!" I thought, feeling suddenly not as much of a bastard as I really was.
"But have a look at what it is" they said.

So I put my hand in the pre-opened yellow heavy-duty air-bubble-lined envelope only to retrieve a copy of 'X-Change 2', the hentai anime dating-sim!

Haha! We laughed so much. Funnier was that I was able to show all my other housemates (heh heh) and then the envelope was still sticky enough to allow us to seal it in a way that looked like it was unopened!

I was hoping that Richo might come and tell us about it, but he hasn't yet. Maybe he's a wee bit embarrassed :)

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